When is it too late to do an OAV treatment? Rusty Burlew gives tips for treating your hives any time of year.
Read MoreTreatments to combat varroa vary. This article will help you start your quest to select the best varroa treatments for your apiary and management practices.
Read MoreVarroa mites are considered a universal problem. Fortunately, varroa mite treatment isn’t hard, you just have to be diligent.
Read MoreThere is nothing quite like the sights and sounds of bees buzzing around, gathering pollen and nectar on a warm summer day. Summer and bees just seem to go together; unfortunately, so do summer and pests.
Read MoreIt’s hard to recommend a schedule because the rate of reinfestation will vary depending on the number of hives—both managed and feral.
Read MoreA key time for getting a jump on varroa is when the colony is broodless, since any mites present will be in a phoretic state rather than hiding inside capped brood.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites By Josh Vaisman – Honey bees currently face three difficult challenges to their survival — a lack of quality nutrition, ubiquitous pesticides in the environment, and the …
Read MoreI’m treating my hives with Formic Pro at this time. I know you shouldn’t manipulate the hive during treatment, but what about checking honey supers and adding or taking them away?
Read MoreThere is a mild form of resistance, NOT immunity. A colony of Russian honeybees will eventually perish to varroa mites if left unchecked.
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