It’s time to start preparing your bees for winter. It’s important to understand what winterizing beehives look like for a backyard beekeeper.
Read MoreHoney bee robbing is an almost desperate commitment, en masse, to maximizing a resource. Here’s why it happens, how to prevent it, and how to stop it when you see it.
Read MoreWhen I have a colony overwinter — and they have no spring/summer issues such as a queen dying or an unexpected swarm — I generally get around 75-100 pounds of honey per hive in Colorado.
Read MoreWhen you are new to beekeeping, it’s good to have a game plan. Today let’s explore a seasonal beekeeping calendar and your to-do’s throughout the year.
Read MoreShould you feed native bees? Josh Vaisman explains the whys and why nots.
Read MoreFeeding honey bees? Wait a sec! I thought that’s the reason we got honey bees … so they can feed us.
Read MoreSometimes even the honey bee is stretched too far when resources just aren’t available. In this article, we’ll cover the why, how, and when of feeding bees.
Read MoreIn this article, I’ll discuss our experience trying to manage varroa mites our first couple years in beekeeping, some lessons we learned, a new way of approaching varroa management, and address some common questions about our management plan.
Read MoreTyler from Montana writes: How many frames of capped brood is the optimum in a double deep during summer?
Read MoreYou may find yourself frantically searching “Why did my bees leave the hive?” There are plenty of reasons colonies leave the hive.
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