Real estate agents love to say, “Location, location, location!” So it is with beehive placement. The right location will benefit them (and you) tremendously.
Read MoreWhen you first got interested in starting beekeeping, I know you did tons of research and thinking about where to put your hives. But sometimes things change and you need to change with them. And so, you find yourself moving beehives.
Read MoreCombining bee hives can improve overall colony health and success. Colonies can be combined at any point in the season, and for a number of reasons.
Read MoreIf I have queen cells on three different frames, and I know they are going to swarm. This is a new colony from a nuc. Could I make a split from this situation?
Read MoreI have honey bees that moved into a birdhouse. They are very active and seem like they will grow out of the little cottage. I bought a nice hive box for them, but they are not showing any interest in moving over. Is there any way to attract them to the new, big comfortable hive body?
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