How do bees communicate with each other? Learn about different honey bee pheromones, the chemical substances secreted by exocrine glands, and the hive tasks they achieve.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites When our son first started keeping bees I had no idea what a beekeeping smoker was used for or what to put in the smoker. The smoker …
Read MoreIf I have queen cells on three different frames, and I know they are going to swarm. This is a new colony from a nuc. Could I make a split from this situation?
Read MoreI have a 10-frame deep hive that had honey in it. There have not been bees in the hive in a year. Now there were 200 to 300 bees in there. I think that it’s just bees getting the old honey out of there, but they are fanning the honey as if they want to cap it. And I would like to know if the bees will stay in there at night or fly back home at dark?
Read MoreHoney bees are eusocial, meaning they live in highly complex social colonies, with multiple casts and tens of thousands of individuals of overlapping generations.
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