65 Pollinator-Friendly Plants Bees Love

Beekeepers are investing a lot of time and money seeking a solution to the bee population decline, but in the meantime, gardeners can be the frontline troops in the fight to save not just honeybees, but all of nature’s pollinators. All they need to do is create a pollinator garden.

Here are some common plants bees will appreciate. Although it’s not an exhaustive list, it’s a great place to get started.

For a list of pollinator-friendly plants for your region, visit: xerces.org/pollinator-conservation/plant-lists

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  1. Anise
  2. Aconites
  3. Aster
  4. Basil
  5. Bee Balm
  6. Bergamot
  7. Black-Eyed Susan
  8. Blueberries
  9. Borage
  10. Bottlebrush
  11. Buckwheat
  12. Butterfly Bush
  13. Catmint
  14. Catnip
  15. Cilantro
  16. Clematis
  17. Clover
  18. Coreopisis
  19. Cosmos
  20. Crape Myrtle
  21. Crocus
  22. Dahlia
  23. Dandelions
  24. Forget-Me-Not
  25. Geramiums
  26. Germander
  27. Goldenrod
  28. Honeysuckle
  29. Horehound
  30. Hyacinth
  31. Hyssop
  32. Indian Blanket
  33. Lavender
  34. Lemon Balm
  35. Lungwort
  36. Lupine
  37. Magnolia
  38. Mallow
  39. Milkweed
  40. Mint
  41. Mullien
  42. Oregano
  43. Ornamental Sages (Salvia)
  44. Phlox
  45. Poppies
  46. Pot Marigold
  47. Primrose
  48. Purple Coneflower
  49. Purple Passionflower
  50. Roses
  51. Rosemary
  52. Sage
  53. Snake’s Head
  54. Snapdragon
  55. Snowdrop
  56. Summer Squash
  57. Sunflowers
  58. St John’s Wort
  59. Strawberries
  60. Thistle
  61. Thyme
  62. Verbena
  63. Wild Petunia
  64. Yarrow
  65. Zinnias

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