moisture control

How Do I Keep the Hive Ventilated in Winter?

How much ventilation you need in a hive depends on many factors, including local climate, colony size, wind exposure, and sun exposure.

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Moisture Control in The Hives: A Four-Season Approach
January 4, 2022 · · Hives & Equipment

We work with the seasons and the bees’ own incredible ability to self-regulate to keep heat, cold, and moisture in check. While it is useful to look at how bees live “in the wild” to understand their natural preferences, it’s good to remember that honey bees are adaptable and live all over the world, in all climates.

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Is Moisture Killing My Bees?

As long as they are dry, honey bees are wizards at staying warm. But a moist hive can be a death sentence because evaporation is a cooling process that steals the heat from a bee’s body. Living in a damp hive is like standing in a cold room while dripping wet from a shower.

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